Support BAHIA!
BAHIA is one of the few Latino nonprofits in the Bay Area focused on providing bilingual language development and a multicultural learning experience for children ages 2-10. Annually we serve over 160 children between our three sites - Centro VIDA, Bahia School Age Program, and La Academia de Bahia. Since 1975, our award winning programs have served thousands of children, helping them grow into motivated, multicultural contributors to our global society.
Your support -- from $10 to $500+ -- will help our children’s programs thrive in small and big ways:
Increase bilingual materials and equipment
$50 provides paper supplies in each classroom
Enrichment Classes
$100 provides dance classes in Spanish for toddler/preschool children
Outdoor Playground
$250 helps upgrade outdoor play equipment (trikes, sand toys, water play tables, balls, hoola hoops etc.)
Drama, Arts, Sports and Safety
$500 provides employment for a youth Teaching Assistant
Teacher Growth and Development
$1000 supports professional development for staff in early childhood education, dual language curriculum, first aid and other topics.
You can also support the Isabel Blanco Ramirez Community Service Award
Please donate today.
Every dollar helps our children to thrive!